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Stepping into Homecoming

From dodging in and out of stores all morning the day of Homecoming, the car photo shoot, the stories he told me of his night, to the laughter I saw with him hanging with his friends at IHOP following the dance (yes, I stayed and watched from afar, ‘cause ain’t no one dropping off their kid at fourteen at midnight over here, without supervision). These endless memories that I see forming, I hope he forever cherishes and appreciates.

I still can’t believe we’re here. I don’t know about Isaiah, but I’m still recuperating from last weekend, myself. 😮‍💨

✨ Mama’s, a gentle reminder: The day isn’t about you. It’s about them.

Avoid projecting the fears from our own childhood trauma onto our children. Listen to their thoughts and respect their feelings. Don’t pressure them to do or wear anything they aren’t comfortable with.



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